General Maintenance instructions
Tins made of aluminised steel (FAL):
Before first use:
• One-time baking at 200°C.
• Grease forms in- and outside as desired.
• Greasing the outside has an anti-corrosion use and prevents blushing of forms, as well as a reduction of heat reflection.
• Greased forms have to be baked several times at 200°C for 30 minutes.
• Forms and tins have to be put upside down to allow excessive oil and fat to flow off.
Care instructions for regular baking:
• Take pastry out of forms immediately after baking.
• Don’t let the pastry cool down in the forms, as it can transpire and lead to moisture.
• Clean and dry forms regularly.
• Grease forms to provide anti-corrosion effect.
Tins made of stainless steel or aluminium:
Before first use:
• The surface of uncoated forms made of stainless steel or aluminium can contain residues of lubricants. Use soapy water at min. 60°C for cleaning.
• Light, usual greasing of tin sets.
Care instructions for regular baking:
• No special instructions.
• Avoid moisture.
General maintenance instructions for uncoated tin sets and trays